- DOB 28/02/1985
- Married with two children.
- Self-employed business owner.
- BJJ Purple belt under Tony Terranova.
- Fundamentals coach since August 2022.
Freddie began his martial arts journey in his early twenties, learning Hun Gar Kung Fu. He was also a keen mountain boarder and adrenaline sports enthusiast. Following the popularity of MMA and the Gracie family’s domination of the sport in the early UFC competitions, Freddie decided to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He joined Fighting Fit Martial Arts in 2017. He quickly became hooked, training regularly and competing many times in competitive tournaments.
Initially training at Fighting Fit Martial Arts, Freddie became one of Rune's founding members as the club returned to strength under a new name and identity after the difficult Covid lockdown period of 2020/21.
Freddie has a keen interest in strength and conditioning work, training regularly with Tony Terranova and his unique, hybrid approach to functional fitness.
Freddie helps with the general upkeep and running of the club and has been coaching the Thursday Fundamentals class since its inception in 2022.